彫刻の仕事 2017
オープンスタジオ (パリ国際芸術都市)
Sculpture works 2018
Open studio /Cité Internationale des Arts à Paris
彫刻の仕事 2017
オープンスタジオ (パリ国際芸術都市)
Sculpture works 2018
Open studio /Cité Internationale des Arts à Paris
彫刻の仕事 2017
オープンスタジオ (パリ国際芸術都市)
Sculpture works 2018
Open studio /Cité Internationale des Arts à Paris
パフォーマンス − なみうちぎわの協和音
2018年8月26日 会場:トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷
パフォーマンス − なみうちぎわの協和音
2018年8月26日 会場:トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷
In her work, Hori Sonomi studies and describes the subject through the link between 3D space and physical sensations.
The artist asks the question of the evolution of our sensations and our perception of the body, in relation with our way of living, implying comfort and security.
Here, she displays some silicon castings to create “3D negative-positive”, using the basic principles of photography.
- This text is written website of Cité internationale des arts
写真におけるネガとポジの原理を引用し、立体を反転する過程で生じる雌型と雄型を原型と併せて展 示することで、一つの事象による異なった存在方法を示す。
In her work, Hori Sonomi studies and describes the subject through the link between 3D space and physical sensations.
The artist asks the question of the evolution of our sensations and our perception of the body, in relation with our way of living, implying comfort and security.
Here, she displays some silicon castings to create “3D negative-positive”, using the basic principles of photography.
- This text is written website of Cité internationale des arts
写真におけるネガとポジの原理を引用し、立体を反転する過程で生じる雌型と雄型を原型と併せて展 示することで、一つの事象による異なった存在方法を示す。
In her work, Hori Sonomi studies and describes the subject through the link between 3D space and physical sensations.
The artist asks the question of the evolution of our sensations and our perception of the body, in relation with our way of living, implying comfort and security.
Here, she displays some silicon castings to create “3D negative-positive”, using the basic principles of photography.
- This text is written website of Cité internationale des arts
森林限界を越えて Beyond the Timberline

呼吸のモミュメント 2023

スコリア山景#1-#5 2023